Friday, September 5, 2008

Oh, crud...

It's Friday morning and, oh, um, well, I haven't posted my Wednesday night goals. :(

Heck, I don't even remember what goals I set for last week, but I'm pretty sure I didn't meet them. Again. Gah.

This week though, dagnabit, I am going to do as I say! I have the next four days off, so there is no reason I can't knock off a few goals.

So...that said, this week I'm going to:

  • Write. A lot. I changed a major plot idea and now I have to essentially start over on my WIP. That's a bit disheartening, but I'm trying not to let it deter me from getting back on the horse. (Damn, I fall off a lot, don't I?)
  • Outline my WIP to the end, so I have some direction.
  • Help Moira get out of the rut and back into the groove with K&D.
  • Clean my bedroom closet. (Now that I write that, I remember I had it on my list last week, too. LOL Oh, well. :P)


Anonymous said...

Can I say oh crud... I'm on the list? Being on a list is never one of my favs unless we are talking about a things to do list in a hot guys pocket..... or maybe a best sellers list....