Thursday, July 10, 2008

So, I've Made The Decision...

After months of dancing around the inevitable--my disgust and hatred with doing informal, at-home daycare--I've finally decided to call it quits. Of course, the moms of the kids I watch don't know it yet and they won't until I've solidified a new job for myself, but my time as a Kool-Aid and hot dog wench is slowly but surely dwindling.

My plan (or my hope) is to have a job by the time school starts at the end of August. I'll only be working part time, which will get me out of the house (halleluiah!) three days a week and will also end up paying me slightly better (double halleluiah!). I'm kinda bummed because obviously I won't be able to run over to the computer to jot down any fantabulous ideas I might have story-wise during the day, but I think in the long run, getting out and not having kids under my feet all the time will help my creativity or lack thereof.

I am so excited. :P I mean, my job won't be anything super exciting (if I get the one I'm shooting for), but it's close to home and it's flexible, which is important for me still having two semesters of college left and still having little kids of my own.

And that's all. :) Hope y'all are having a great Thursday. Anyone have superawesome plans for the weekend? Anyone have a 'going back to work' story you want to share?


December said...

Glad you're sorting this out!!
Will the new job be at a computer? because you could still jot down notes in MS word or soemthing. I have a little notepad I keep at my desk.

Anyway - weekend plans - Music Festival YAHOO!!! Its nice to escape reality for a little while.

Jolie said...

Chances are I won't be able to use the computer for writing, unfortunately. But I could have a notepad nearby. :)

Music Festival! I'm so jealous! Hope you have a good time! :P

Anonymous said...

well congrat! i think this is a great thing for ya. hope it's everything you hope for.
nothing special this weekend... hoping to just relax!!!

Anonymous said...

Anything that might make your life easier and potentially help you through your writing lurch I am all for. And when you come home and sign in... I will be here.