Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Still Waiting

For news as to whether I'll be getting a job or not. :(

I'm kinda bummed. Especially after dealing with the zoo animals (aka the kids) this morning. Realistically, I couldn't start until the end of August anyhow--and they (being my prospective new bosses) know this. So...there really isn't any hurry on them calling me back. But...I'd really like to know. So I can make a really funky countdown calendar (I'm thinking like an Advent calendar with chocolate :) ) and celebrate the hell out of every day I get through. But, alas, I'll just have to be patient. Good things come to those who wait, right? :)

Oh a positive note, I'm writing again. Okay, so I haven't written for a couple of days, but I wrote a ton on Sunday (more than 6k!! Go me!!). It's been virtually impossible considering the monkeys swinging off the chandeliers and what not. :( I'm hoping for a super productive weekend again and my ultimate goal is to have the rough draft finished by the middle of August so I can let it sit and simmer a bit while I settle into another semester of school. Then maybe have it edited and off to CPs by mid-October so I can start something new for NaNo (OMG, can you believe I'm talking about NaNo already? Wasn't the last one, like, just yesterday?).

Anyhow, that's all that's new in my neck of the woods. What's going on in yours?


Anonymous said...

Hope that they call and let you know soon! I know the feeling.. I too am waiting for a phone call from an interview I did on Tuesday!! I just wanna know that I can QUIT!! lol oh and congrats on all the writing you got done. You Rocking!

December said...

Glad to see you're back in the saddle again!!

Hope they call soon with good news