Monday, August 11, 2008

Getting Down To Business. Again.

So, I begin another semester of community college in two weeks. TWO WEEKS!! Holy crap, this summer went by fast. As did all of my goals...that is, they went quickly by the wayside. :( I seriously got nothing done this summer. Nothing. Oh, wait... I did write 11K of a new novel over a weeks time, but I lost interest in that just as quickly as I'd gained it. But, I digress...

I have my stack of new books sitting right beside me and, strangely enough, I'm anxious to dig in already. One might think that I'm so excited because the end is nearing for me. But... I changed my major AGAIN and I have no idea how long it's going to take me to finish now. I'm waiting to hear about my 'graduation audit', which will tell me what I still need. Fingers crossed that I won't lose a whole semester's worth of electives because they don't meet my new major requirements. My husband will have a shitfit if that's the case, because he's more than ready for me to get a job. Which I'm still looking for, BTW, but without much luck.

So, because I have this sneaky suspicious that I'm going to be an unemployed student (and mother and wife) for awhile, I'm guessing I might have some time to write. Hahahahaha. I know. I'm forever saying that, but I never get anything done. But seriously. If all I'm doing is school work and my normal houseslave stuff, I should be able to get something done writing-wise. If I don't, well, then something is just wrong.

Since I don't really want to start reading my new textbooks yet (because that'd be really lame and also because I'll probably forget what I've read in two weeks time), I'm going to pull out my craft books and CDs again to 'refresh' my memory. And that's probably what I'm going to be blogging about for the next couple of weeks, so bear with me. :)

Anyhoo, I must be off. My Monday morning cleaning awaits...