Friday, August 22, 2008


What a waste of time, taxes, and gas money! Don't get me wrong--I think this chick shoulda paid up, considering she only owed $30 freakin' dollars--but a warrant and cuffs? Come on! (Okay, I'll admit I'm from WI and know people who live where this woman does, so maybe it hits a bit closer on my annoyance radar than it might yours. :P) But...just...gah. How dumb. in the world of Jolie is that today is my last day of babysitting for a living! I'm counting down the hours until MARGARITA TIME!! I'm making a pitcher, I'm starting early, and I'm not quitting 'til it's all gone. I might not last that long LOL, but I'm sure as hell going to try. :P

I might also note that my blog may be quiet for the next couple of days as I really get cracking on my goal list and get ready for class again on Monday morning. Not sure what kind of blogging routine I'll fall into after that, but I can't imagine it'll be to different than it is now--just random, completely pointless, vomituous (is that even a word?) purging sessions that don't mean anything to anyone but me. :)

So, have a great weekend and the next time you see me, I'll be gloriously (*looks heavenward*) children-who-aren't-mine free. :P